Retire like you mean it

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Are you or someone you know feeling stuck in retirement? Or maybe you are nervous to make the leap because you can’t imagine what you will do when you’re no longer tied to career?

Come learn how to live life in retirement — a meaningful, full life!

This is not a financial seminar. Only you can be the judge of when your financial cushion is comfy enough. But once you decide to transition out of career you will need more of a plan than simply playing golf. Leisure is important, but it cannot sustain the entirety of what can easily be the most exciting phase of your life.

Check out this three week seminar offered through Dixie State Continuing Education. Two separate three-week sessions. One begins Sept. 12, the other begins Oct. 15.

It’s not surprising how much effort we put into our careers. What is surprising is how little thought we give to living in retirement.

Change that now.