If there is one thing we moms know how to do, it’s how to wear a lot of different hats.
You’ve undoubtedly read the lists — or written your own — citing the numerous titles moms wear throughout the day. Taxi driver, doctor, chef, teacher, therapist, referee and resident expert on every conceivable intellectual — and not-so-intellectual — topic.
You know the drill.
As moms, we sort of expect this. It’s part of the job description. But there are some titles that feel slightly more obscure. Some that, although regularly forced onto my to do list, have only recently registered on my radar. One in particular comes to mind particularly as I consider the Christmas season connection to my task.
Toy repairwoman. Or mother elf. Something like that.
On any given day my kitchen counter has at least two or three items in need of attention from the adult version of Doc McStuffins — AKA: me. Books my 1-year-old has poured over so enthusiastically the pages are no longer in tact; stuffed animals losing their stuffing; plastic dolls in need of some glue and a little R&R; and don’t forget the endless array of toys requiring new batteries. There are days when I have had enough and think it would be easier just to sweep this pile off my counter and into the donation bin. But the waste-not-want-not part of my personality kicks in — along with the pleading gaze of my children as they ask about their “favorite toy” —and I think, I can fix this.
And for the most part, I can.
Luckily, I also have a safety net. When I can’t — or as is more often the case, when I don’t have the time or patience to do so right then — I go with my fallback.
“Let’s see if Daddy can fix it when he gets home,” I say soothingly, hoping to calm their worries while distracting them with something else.
Sometimes Daddy fixes the toy. Sometimes I forget to tell him. And then the pile on the counter grows. Maybe a more traditional elf would like to step in and help.
Do you have a less obvious mommy hat in your wardrobe? Share about it here. Or, if you have a story about the most amazing toy fix you’ve accomplished, feel free to brag in the comments below.
Mostly Motherhood is a blog about all things related to family life and beyond. Keep up by following @LisaGLarson on Twitter and www.facebook.com/LarsonLisa